Dear Madam, Sir,

We are pleased to invite you to attend 2018 IPC Day on “Understanding Failures for Improved Reliability”, which will be held in ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands on Thursday 6 December 2018.


Presented by Mr. Bhanu Sood, Commodity Risk Assessment Engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, this IPC Day will present and discuss a wide range of failure mechanisms that impact the functionality of PCBs under varied stress conditions. Bhanu will tell you how these mechanisms can be related to how PCB materials are selected, how PCBs are designed, manufactured, tested and used in the field conditions.
This workshop provides the guideline for selection of methodologies for identifying potential failure mechanisms based on the failure history and how a systematic root cause failure analysis of the PCB can result in prevention of future issues. It is a unique opportunity for PCB Engineers, Quality Engineers, Design Engineers, Quality Assurance functions and, personnel involved with PCB procurement or quality assurance activities within the company to expanding your knowledge and sharing best practices and success stories in the ever-evolving electronics industry.

Keynote speaker

Bhanu Sood is a Commodity Risk Assessment Engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Mr. Sood serves as the Goddard Center lead and NASA Specialist managing overall development efforts pertaining to risk and reliability of Microelectronics Packaging and Printed Circuit Boards used in NASA Goddard’s flight missions and ground support equipment. Prior to joining NASA, Mr. Sood was the Laboratory Director at University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE). He holds two patents, an invention disclosure and is the author of several hundred conference papers, presentations, and technical reports, four book chapters, and thirty-two peer-reviewed scholarly and technical manuscripts.

Event details

Date: Thursday, 6 December 2018
Venue: Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Burg Burgerslaan 50, 5245 NH Rosmalen, The Netherlands
Price: Free of charge
Registration: To register, please send an email to


  • 09:30 – Registration and Welcome coffee
  • 10:00 – Welcome: Mr. Rob Walls, Master IPC Trainer MIT, PIEK & Philippe Léonard, IPC Europe director
  • 10:30 – Keynote Speaker: “Understanding Failures for Improved Reliability” – Bhanu Sood, NASA, Risk Assessment Engineer
  • 12:30 – Networking lunch
  • 13:30 – Keynote Speaker: “Understanding Failures for Improved Reliability” – Bhanu Sood, NASA, Risk Assessment Engineer – Continued
  • 14:30 – «Contamination on PBs and PBAs » – Mr Rob Walls, Master IPC Trainer MIT, PIEK
  • 15:30 – Conclusions & update on EU legislations coming-up – Mr Nicolas Robin, IPC Europe Senior director
  • 16:30 – Closing

We hope that you will be able to join your distinguished colleagues for a day of thought-provoking seminars, discussions, and networking.


Philippe Léonard
IPC Europe director