IPC Essentials course in IPC EDGE

All IPC Trainers must complete the IPC Essentials course in IPC EDGE by February 1, 2017. More information: edge.ipc.org/course/ipc-essentials

More details on our part will follow soon…

Happy holidays

In this festive season all the people at PIEK would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank you for your trust and collaboration over the past year. Your support and partnership have been invaluable [...]

Chemtronics, Techspray and PIEK: A synergistic partnership driving innovation in electronics maintenance

Since the late 50’s Chemtronics and the late 60’’s Techspray have been at the forefront of electronics maintenance and repair, where they have been creating and innovating solutions for its market and partners. Both Companies are wholly [...]

The importance of the IPC-J-STD-001 course for defence staff and related industries

In this complex world of technological progress and advanced electronics the need for high-quality production and assembly standards has never been greater. For defence staff and related industries involved in the production of military electronics, [...]

2020-01-08T12:07:06+01:0022 December 2016|Categories: IPC News|Tags: , |

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