What we see is that still participants opt to be certified as a CIT (Certified IPC Trainer), even though this wouldn’t be necessary for them or their company. After all, they don’t provide training, but still they do want to upgrade their knowledge to a higher level. And thus show that they possess more knowledge and capabilities than what is required with the CIS (Certified IPC Specialist) certification. 

To close the gap between these two certification levels, a couple of years ago IPC has developed and started to offer a third tier in their certification program portfolio, the IPC Certified Standards Expert (CSE).

What does the CSE certification program include?

An IPC Certified Standards Expert (CSE) is a specialist with a high level of knowledge and insight on a specific IPC-standard. The role of the IPC Certified Standards Expert (CSE) can be different in each organization. There are companies that want to have a central and experienced point of contact for their CIS trained employees that have questions, sometimes they want someone who maintains the contacts related to IPC issues with customers or suppliers. More information about the program and the differences with regard to the Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) program can be obtained from IPC at: https://www.ipc.org/ipc-certifications

Based on which IPC standards an IPC Certified Standards Expert (CSE) certification program is available?

If you might consider registering one or more of your employees to take part in the IPC Certified Standards Expert (CSE) certification program, please fill out the quote application form.