Waste is an architect´s design error. This is what Dr Elma Dumirsevic stated in her vision of circular building. Whether there will be many design errors in the future remains to be seen. One thing that is certain, though, is that today´s construction industry will not be that of 2030, because it is developing very rapidly. Construction firms tapping into innovations now will be tomorrow´s winners. This article will show you a number of these innovations.

3D printing will become very dominant in the next ten years, also in the building industry. Digitisation has already become quite common, and especially home automation is gaining ground in residences. Just think of all the everyday appliances in your home that you can now operate with your mobile phone. Digitisation in the construction industry leads to smarter and faster design processes. Besides, the use of block chain technology can also make invoicing easier and faster. Finally, on-site 3D printing can significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

However, it will take some time for 3D printing to be really common in building. First of all, the technology is still very much under development, and secondly the building industry is one that tends to cling to traditions. Nevertheless, some successful initiatives can be mentioned, such as what the company Mighty Buildings does. They are able to print a 30m2 studio apartment within just 24 hours. This could be an ideal solution in case of an urgent situation in housing or in case of an emergency like a natural disaster that has wiped out people’s homes.

Another example can be found in Antwerp. It is there that researchers managed to printa two-storey house. In terms of costs, they were also able to save 60% in comparison with a traditionally built house.

Haus.Me is still another example of a company actively trying to apply 3D printing in building homes. The house that they print has 37m2 of floor space. What they have also succeeded in doing is integrate an advanced air quality control system that eliminates nearly 100% of bacteria and viruses in the indoor air.

3D printing will revolutionise the building world. Our houses will become smarter and will burden our environment less. When we look at 2020 from 2050 we will wonder how we could ever build like we did and live in old-school homes.

PIEK constantly monitors developments like these, since they impact us and also impact you. We will keep you updated on any more developments on a regular basis.